Your journey with PowerUp.
Our approach is designed so that you see significant, sustainable results on your company’s most important KPIs.
1. Rapid Diagnostic
A 4-week sprint designed to assess your objectives, key metrics and try out the endless possibilities with PowerUp Global.
With no charge or commitment, you can gain access to:
Up to 50 employee PowerUp accounts
Integration and analysis of up to x2 data sets
Preview of your organisation’s dashboard
PowerUp Improvement Plan: insights generated from the 50 employees and our projected business impact within 12 months
Like what you see? You’ll move on to phase two.
2. Development Plan
Now that you’ve invested in PowerUp, it’s time to roll out our software and services across the organisation. Depending on your insights, this might include:
Accounts for all employees
Embedding of more data
Integration of our AI agents, at the employee and employer level
Custom dashboards and filters for different teams and departments
Expert services, such as organisational improvement consultancy, mental health, nutrition, ergonomics - and more
As you scale across the organisation, the depth and level of insights will change. We’ll build on the Improvement Plan, to ensure you hit the projections identified during phase one. And if we need to source expert services, we’ll take care of that too from our community of partners.
3. Continuous Improvement
Sustainable business improvement takes time, and we’re with you every step of the way.
Each quarter, your employees will complete full re-profiles in their personal accounts. Based on these results, we’ll work with you to review and update the Improvement Plan to ensure you’re seeing continuous improvement.
Start your Rapid Diagnostic.
Fill in the form and a member of the team will be in touch.